Parker Healthcare can provide you with a range of disposable infant resuscitation circuits.
All infant resuscitation circuits fit most T-piece resuscitators (15mm M / 10mm F connector).
- PEEP flow controller
- Swivel adaptor for PEEP flow controller
- Blow-off pressure relied valve (0 ~ 50 cmH2O)
- Pressure manometer gauge
- Luer port and plug
- Suction port and plug
- Security lock
- Silicone donut masks (sizes 0, 1 or 2)
All infant resuscitation circuits are light weight, and easy to use.
How the PEEP flow controller works:
The adjustable PEEP function is a simple device and easily operated by a medical professional, with the added benefit of double swivel connections at the mask and tubing ends.
The top (blue) controller rotates to increase or decrease (±) PEEP pressure and its port (if occluded) instigates PEEP.
The PEEP control indexer offers a physical 'click' feedback when rotating. Both adaptor tube and mask connections offer double swivel connections.