Parker Healthcare's corporate environmental policy promotes and maintains environmentally responsible practices for the benefit of customers, consumers, employees and the community in which we operate. We will conduct and grow our business in a manner, which protects the environment.
Our company is committed to continual improvement in environmental performance and to meet all relevant regulatory and legislative environmental requirements to prevent pollution.
In addition we are also committed to:
- Reducing the amount of packaging that is used while simultaneously using more recycled materials in our products and packaging
- Dispatching more goods at one time, saving fuel and reducing our carbon foot print.
- Limiting hazardous materials.
- Designing products with easy disposal.
- Designing products to facilitate a longer life span on reusable products.
- Supplying products that use less resources such as water and electricity.
- Implementing recycling programs and minimising waste.
- Acting on our social responsibility to become more environmentally friendly.
- Use suppliers that have the same goals and environmental strategies as Parker Healthcare.
- Operate under a paperless system, and if paper is required, use recycled paper.
- Using electronics that have power saving modes.
Parker Healthcare will establish and maintain procedures which specify our environmental objectives and targets and facilitate their regular review.